Pitter Patter Parenting
Providing Pet Care, Education and Support
Pitter Patter Parenting delivers services where they are needed most, in the home and in the community. If you are seeking assistance for your family, contact me and I will schedule a free phone consultation and then a home visit can be arranged. If you are a community based organization, I'd be happy to talk to you about options for presentations at your facility.
Helping Families with:
The selection of a new pet
Are you interested in getting a new pet for your family but you're not sure what kind of pet would fit best into your family and lifestyle?
The integration of a new pet
Did you recently get a new pet and need to learn ways to integrate him/her into the family in a safe and healthy way?
The transition of a new baby into a pet home
Are you expecting a new baby and are concerned about how the dog might react to this family change?
Grief and crisis counseling and support
Are you bereaving the loss of a pet or struggling with the news of a terminal illness or other situation that might cause the loss of your pet?
Pet care
Do you need regular dog walks or out of town pet care?
Pet care resources and referrals
Are you searching for a vet, a boarding facility, a groomer, a dog trainer?
Supporting Communities through
Pet Loss Support Groups
Regular pet loss support groups will be scheduled in a private and comfortable space so people can come and share their grief and healing process with other like minded individuals. Support groups can also be arranged at your facility if requested.
Pet Care and Safety classes for Kids
I am a certified Dog Bite Prevention Educator. I am licensed to present Doggone Safe's "Be a Tree" program, which teaches elementary aged children how to be safe around dogs. I am also a presenter of the dog safety program for preschool children called, "I Speak Doggie." I developed a dog care and safety class called "I Love Dogs", which can be tailored to various age groups.
Pet Care and Safety classes for Adults
I teach a "Dog + Baby" class for new and expectant parents to help them prepare for bringing a new baby into a dog home. I also teach a class called, "Welcoming Home Your New Dog."
Pet care resources and referrals
Contact me If your organization or facility needs assistance with pet related services, laws or general information. I am happy to provide you with the tools you need to help your pet families be responsible, law-abiding, loving pet parents.